A Different Way of Viewing the World of Teams and How Work Gets Done
“... when decisions are made by those who are going to execute on them.”
Companies thrive when people can be themselves…
when they feel safe to bring and discuss their ideas, and when decisions are made by those who are going to execute on them.
In a self-organized company, team members co-ordinate themselves around the work and support each other in moving forward toward their goals. The result is that people both bring all their energy to their work and receive energy from the environment they are working in. In doing so, we can unleash the full extent of our human potential.
Learning Organization
By pursuing continual growth in our knowledge and skills, Chrysalis and its companies can achieve the perpetual innovation and thoughtful evolution needed to become a 100-year company.
We each undertake a growth mindset on a daily basis. It’s about involving every employee, regardless of role, in strategy development and decision making. It’s everyone having access to data and information in a timely manner. It’s positively challenging and collaborating across teams to solve problems and innovate. And it’s ensuring a regular cadence of stepping back to reflect on our successes and challenges.
Investing In Human Nature
Scaling trust, knowledge and culture
We’ve invested heavily in the creation of our shared internal learning resources to help us scale our knowledge and culture as we grow well beyond individual teams or companies. It’s an ongoing, evolving effort, and our intention is to eventually share with everyone - businesses and communities alike!
Operating System
The Chrysalis OS is a living framework that guides the way we strategize, share ideas, and make decisions.
Chrysalis University
A resource to support
the culture of learning that supports our growth.
Certified coaching to help unlock people’s potential and contribution.